Our body requires various nutrients to
work properly. A healthy diet is one that
includes, in a balanced way, fibers, vitamins, minerals and others
nutrients, essential for the body.

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Vitamins are a group of organic substances necessary for your
body to function properly. This is because the body does not produce
them itself. At first they were called with a letter of the alphabet and
later they were given a chemical name to some of them.
There are 13 types of essential vitamins, which you can find in different
food and that fulfill different functions. We present them here:

  • Retinol or vitamin A
  • Ascorbic acid or vitamin C
  • Cholecalciferol or vitamin D
  • Tocopherol or vitamin E Vitamin K
  • Thiamine or vitamin B1
  • Riboflavin or vitamin B2
  • Niacin or vitamin B3
  • Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B6
  • Biotin or vitamin B7
  • Folate (folic acid) or vitamin B9
  • Cobalamin or vitamin B12
  • Tomate



    It belongs to the Solanaceae family, and is very rich in water (almost 95% of its weight), providing only 20 calories per 100 grams. This low calorie intake is due to its low content of carbohydrates (3.5 grams), proteins (1 gram) and fats (0.1 grams). Although the really important thing about tomatoes is their content in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C (26 mg per 100 grams).
    So concentrated is it that if we eat 150 grams of tomato a day it is enough to cover 100% of the daily needs of this vitamin for a healthy adult. We cannot fail to mention lycopene, a pigment of the carotenoid family that gives the tomato its characteristic red color (and also watermelon and pink grapefruit).
    Lycopene has antioxidant properties. Moreover, different studies have shown that by incorporating it regularly into our diet decreases the risk of developing certain tumors (prostate, pancreas, lung and colon).
    From what we know so far, it is absorbed quite well from fresh tomato, but even better through tomato juice or tomato sauce.



    This food is also an important source of vitamin C, especially red peppers. We have not said it before, but vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that, in addition, intervenes in processes as important as the formation of collagen, red blood cells, bones and teeth. As if that were not enough, it favors the absorption of iron from food and increases resistance to infections. Also noteworthy in peppers is the high concentration of carotenes, among which is capsanthin, another antioxidant pigment. Nor should we underestimate its content in provitamin A, which the body transforms into vitamin A, an essential nutrient for vision, the good condition of the skin and hair or the proper functioning of the immune system. It even prevents skin cancer.



    Its energy intake exceeds that of beans, reaching 343 kcal per 100 grams. It is due to the high content of carbohydrates (55 grams per 100) and fats (5 grams). And isn't so much fat bad? Not at all. Because they are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated at 50%, or what is the same, heart-healthy. If we add to this that the cholesterol contribution of the chickpea is zero, this legume really has an ideal fat profile. It doesn't end there. In addition, its protein intake is high (almost 20 grams), it is rich in potassium and phosphorus potassium, and the most prominent vitamin in its composition is folic acid (180 ug)



    Called "chicken of the Indies" by the Spanish conquistadors, he is a native of Mexico from the time of the Aztecs, where he was called "guajalote". It is part of white meats, which are characterized by having little fat and low cholesterol. The caloric intake of turkey is moderate: less than 130 calories per 100 grams of thigh and less than 100 calories per 100 grams of breast. Optimal, therefore, for people with high cardiovascular risk.